Why Walking Dead Doesn't Understand Human Nature
There's nothing wrong with a little entertainment. We all need to
burn some steam every now and then and take a break from the stresses of
our lives, and nothing helps us escape the modern world quite like a
show about the apocalypse. With that said, you are what you eat, and
that includes the media. The books we read, the movies we watch, and the
shows we enjoy, all inform our world view in subtle ways, and there's
no avoiding it.
So we should ask ourselves what we're "consuming" when we watch The Walking Dead. What kind of world is this show pushing on our minds?
I would argue that it's not only a twisted, cynical world, it's an inaccurate one. And I'm not talking about the zombies. Believe it or not, The Walking Dead is not a show about zombies. They're merely a minor plot device. It's really about people and how they deal with adversity. If anything, the title of the show is not referring to the undead, but to the survivors themselves.
But for a show depicting ordinary people struggling to cope with extraordinary circumstances, it sure gets everything wrong about human nature. Specifically when it comes to how humans can and should organize themselves. The biggest mistakes this show makes, is failing to portray just how good people are at working together, and completely underestimating our ability and desire to rebuild civilization.
If they tried to portray that, then the last few seasons would have these characters raising crops, rebuilding roads, and discussing who in the group would be the best candidate to teach their kids algebra.
Seriously, the show is almost nihilistic in that regard. It's almost like nobody in this show's universe is interested in building a functional society. In our world, history tells us that that's all we've been trying to do for tens of thousands of years. We work together way more often than we fight each other, because it's beneficial. While there have been brutal and chaotic periods in history, we never linger there for long.
We always go right back to building a civilization because it gives us the best chance for survival. In fact, we're so excellent at building societies that our planet is littered with them. We've reached the point where the only thing on Earth that is capable of making us extinct, is ourselves. Has any other species ever pulled that off? And we did it because setting aside our differences and working together to shape the world in our image, is just who we are and what we do (almost) every day. It's second nature.
But not in The Walking Dead it isn't. If you don't believe me, stop and think about every society the main characters have ever come across. (spoilers)
When the characters run into Woodbury, they find a society that is ruled by a psychotic despot who is hell bent on killing and looting any large groups of survivors they come across. He does this while absorbing smaller groups, and concealing the true nature of his community to outsiders, and his own people.
Then they discover Terminus, which advertises itself as a refuge, but in reality is a trap designed to lure in wayward survivors so that they can butcher and cannibalize them.
Most recently, the characters arrive in the Alexandria Safe Zone, whose inhabitants could be best described as naive. Carol is quoted as saying "these people are children" and Michonne even suggested that they could have deposed their government and let Rick run the show. By themselves, I suppose these societies are possible, but the fact that they can't find a single decent settlement, suggests to the viewers that building a moral and functional society is impossible when the chips are down.
Alexandria also reminds me of another problem I have with the show. They correctly portray these communities as "the bad guys" but they fail to recognize Rick's own tyrannical tendencies. At the end of season two Rick is famously quoted as saying...

So we should ask ourselves what we're "consuming" when we watch The Walking Dead. What kind of world is this show pushing on our minds?
I would argue that it's not only a twisted, cynical world, it's an inaccurate one. And I'm not talking about the zombies. Believe it or not, The Walking Dead is not a show about zombies. They're merely a minor plot device. It's really about people and how they deal with adversity. If anything, the title of the show is not referring to the undead, but to the survivors themselves.
But for a show depicting ordinary people struggling to cope with extraordinary circumstances, it sure gets everything wrong about human nature. Specifically when it comes to how humans can and should organize themselves. The biggest mistakes this show makes, is failing to portray just how good people are at working together, and completely underestimating our ability and desire to rebuild civilization.
If they tried to portray that, then the last few seasons would have these characters raising crops, rebuilding roads, and discussing who in the group would be the best candidate to teach their kids algebra.
Seriously, the show is almost nihilistic in that regard. It's almost like nobody in this show's universe is interested in building a functional society. In our world, history tells us that that's all we've been trying to do for tens of thousands of years. We work together way more often than we fight each other, because it's beneficial. While there have been brutal and chaotic periods in history, we never linger there for long.
We always go right back to building a civilization because it gives us the best chance for survival. In fact, we're so excellent at building societies that our planet is littered with them. We've reached the point where the only thing on Earth that is capable of making us extinct, is ourselves. Has any other species ever pulled that off? And we did it because setting aside our differences and working together to shape the world in our image, is just who we are and what we do (almost) every day. It's second nature.
But not in The Walking Dead it isn't. If you don't believe me, stop and think about every society the main characters have ever come across. (spoilers)
When the characters run into Woodbury, they find a society that is ruled by a psychotic despot who is hell bent on killing and looting any large groups of survivors they come across. He does this while absorbing smaller groups, and concealing the true nature of his community to outsiders, and his own people.
Then they discover Terminus, which advertises itself as a refuge, but in reality is a trap designed to lure in wayward survivors so that they can butcher and cannibalize them.
Most recently, the characters arrive in the Alexandria Safe Zone, whose inhabitants could be best described as naive. Carol is quoted as saying "these people are children" and Michonne even suggested that they could have deposed their government and let Rick run the show. By themselves, I suppose these societies are possible, but the fact that they can't find a single decent settlement, suggests to the viewers that building a moral and functional society is impossible when the chips are down.
Alexandria also reminds me of another problem I have with the show. They correctly portray these communities as "the bad guys" but they fail to recognize Rick's own tyrannical tendencies. At the end of season two Rick is famously quoted as saying...
And they
happily oblige. They practically hoisted that role upon him, and waited
for him to say it out loud. Then he spends the next couple of seasons
losing his mind and making terrible decisions. He eventually steps back
from his dictatorial role, but the audience has no illusions as to who's
really in charge. There's even a brief period of time where his group
is run by a council, but the show never really explores that angle. That
community is killed off by disease, and then it's back to business as
Walking Dead basically says that society isn't worth fighting for,
because it will always turn into either a tyrannical nightmare or a
parade of wishy washy idiots, though it tends to lean more towards the
of what that implies. They're saying that tyranny and banditry will be
the only successful models of human organization when the lights go out,
and the only way the good guys will win, is by stooping to their level.
That only the strong and ruthless will survive to lead their flock.
That nice guys finish last.
is that really what we've seen in the real world? Hasn't history shown
that freedom and cooperation are almost always more successful? And
don't tell me that this situation is special because zombies are
involved. They are literally walking corpses. They can be easily
dispatched by a flock of hungry seagulls, much less intelligent humans
with guns. They would be a minor annoyance throughout the rebuilding of
civilization. If anything, history has shown that even the most
bloodthirsty humans will work together if there is a common enemy, and
no enemy fits that role better than a zombie. In the real world, the
zombie apocalypse wouldn't last a month before millions of armed humans
snuffed them out worldwide.
that's not the story people want to hear. They don't want to watch a
show about people banding together to quickly dispatch a pathetic horde
of shambling dumbasses, and then rebuilding a decent and free society.
They want to see Rick take control and save the day, because the
American public is still very attached to the notion that we need
tyranny to survive a scary world. If we didn't, then this show would
have never been such a big hit.
What you are saying is true to a point, in general people are good and work together well and are able to organize and get things done. However, It only takes one @$$hole to cause the pendulum to swing the other way. For every 99 good folks in the world, you will find one evil b@$tard and he will cause the good folks to do bad things in order to protect themselves. Look at the world around you. Ninety-nine percent of the population are peaceful, helpful and caring. But that one percent drives the whole planet right down the crapper. Maybe one day we will all evolve to a point where we can move past evil, but we all gave to do it together. If we don't have 100 % dedication and participation, we are sunk.