American Patriotism is Dying a Slow Death
was a time not too long ago when Americans were so patriotic, it was
palpable. You couldn't throw a rock in any direction without hitting
someone with stars and stripes in their eyes. There was a near unanimous
belief that we were the shining city upon a hill, and that we were and
always would be the greatest nation on Earth. While it was mostly found
among conservatives, it did cross party lines to some extant. It was so
pervasive that anyone who didn't believe it was pegged an extremist, or
just plain weird.
But now? Not so much. The sentiment is still there I suppose, but you can almost feel it evaporating a little bit every day. The pride Americans feel for their country is slipping away, and is now an undeniable fact. ZeroHedge recently posted a poll from the World Values Survey, which reveals the precipitous decline of our national pride. In terms of patriotism, we've fallen beneath the likes of Mexico, Rwanda, and Armenia.
We've seen our nation become mired in numerous conflicts around the world, and we can't help but notice that our government lied to get us there. We've also watched helplessly as our jobs were shipped overseas and our standard of living was decimated. We've witnessed the rise of a financial elite who cannot be punished. And finally, the American public is starting to wake up to the fact that they live in the kind police state that previous generations warned them about.
In that respect, our declining national pride is not a good thing. It's symptomatic of how far we've fallen.
At the same time though, I'm seeing this glass half full. Americans have been very naive for a long time. Our government has been rotten to the core for decades, and we've been sending our kids to war for the benefit of the banking class and the military-industrial complex, since before those words were invented. It's hard to say when it happened, but somewhere along the line we became a nation of mostly good people led by narcissistic psychopaths, and it's been that way for longer than most folks think.
The only difference is that we're just now realizing it. That small but growing number of Americans who don't have pride in their nation, are not a bunch of flag burners. They're awake. They see the system for what it is and they're not willing to gloss over the crimes of the past or the present. They know that America has a bad seed that's been growing for generations, strangling what righteous qualities we have left.
So if you're reading this and you happen to agree, rest assured that you're not as alone as you think you are. Those of us who have justifiable reasons to lack pride in our nation are not a minority of extremists. We actually love America, or at least, what America was supposed to be. But we know that nation is very nearly gone, and has been replaced with something despicable. We simply see the truth, and that truth is finally spreading far and wide.
Delivered By The Daily Sheeple

But now? Not so much. The sentiment is still there I suppose, but you can almost feel it evaporating a little bit every day. The pride Americans feel for their country is slipping away, and is now an undeniable fact. ZeroHedge recently posted a poll from the World Values Survey, which reveals the precipitous decline of our national pride. In terms of patriotism, we've fallen beneath the likes of Mexico, Rwanda, and Armenia.
Only 56% of Americans said they were "very proud" of their nation, according to World Values Survey data, down from over 62% in 2009 (71.1% in 2004, and 77% in 1999). Behind nations such as Libya, Nigeria, Egypt, and Poland, 'exceptional' America now ranks only 30th in the world for national pride...Depending on who you ask, this is either a good thing or a bad thing. I could definitely see this in a negative light. For the percentage of American's who are "very proud" of their country to drop from 77% to 56% in less than 2 decades, means something awful must have happened during those years.
We've seen our nation become mired in numerous conflicts around the world, and we can't help but notice that our government lied to get us there. We've also watched helplessly as our jobs were shipped overseas and our standard of living was decimated. We've witnessed the rise of a financial elite who cannot be punished. And finally, the American public is starting to wake up to the fact that they live in the kind police state that previous generations warned them about.
In that respect, our declining national pride is not a good thing. It's symptomatic of how far we've fallen.
At the same time though, I'm seeing this glass half full. Americans have been very naive for a long time. Our government has been rotten to the core for decades, and we've been sending our kids to war for the benefit of the banking class and the military-industrial complex, since before those words were invented. It's hard to say when it happened, but somewhere along the line we became a nation of mostly good people led by narcissistic psychopaths, and it's been that way for longer than most folks think.
The only difference is that we're just now realizing it. That small but growing number of Americans who don't have pride in their nation, are not a bunch of flag burners. They're awake. They see the system for what it is and they're not willing to gloss over the crimes of the past or the present. They know that America has a bad seed that's been growing for generations, strangling what righteous qualities we have left.
So if you're reading this and you happen to agree, rest assured that you're not as alone as you think you are. Those of us who have justifiable reasons to lack pride in our nation are not a minority of extremists. We actually love America, or at least, what America was supposed to be. But we know that nation is very nearly gone, and has been replaced with something despicable. We simply see the truth, and that truth is finally spreading far and wide.
Delivered By The Daily Sheeple
WE THE PEOPLE, OF THESE GREAT UNITED STATES, PROCLAIM Joshua Krause and The Daily Sheeple the real most activists of the 21ST. Century highlighting also the police state that the 1% of our population controlling the puppets that try to make all American's with "The Fear Of God" when officers approach restrained innocent people.
ReplyDeleteOur all volunteer national police oversight board created on Jan. 1, 2006 to research/investigate the major challenges in policing procedures, training, accountability with independent monitoring of said changes required.
Our program, Truly Reforming Law Enforcement within the nations only law, Oregon Senate Bill 111 Law Enforcement Use of Deadly Physical Force mandated to be in full force July 1,2008.
The Portland Tribune Newspaper in Oregon published on Oct. 31, 2013 a featured article titled, Murders are down in Portland, but few people can pinpoint why......
Per FBI records in 2012 Portland had the lowest of 20 murders that must be brought too light Chicago had the highest total Murders of 500. The reason is the program and law with five major changes to protect all people from the very worst cops that repeatedly beat/kick or start to shoot to death restrained innocent people. Each unjustified murders cost the taxpayers one million dollars to pay for litigation which cuts back the good or excellent officers that make us safer on and off duty.
Google our program and contact us for more details of our "Hall Of Shame" members that we contributed to the highest law enforcement officials nationwide that started with Ronald C. Ruecker former Superintendent Oregon State Police that lost three cases against him in three cities in Oregon. Ruecker stated in two major newspapers in Oregon "For the betterment of members of OSP, family and the public I will resign on Dec. !, 2006. When we after six months and almost an Act Of God received a direct letter from him, and police use of force procedures he said, " I don't have what you are asking for" which proved he failed to start our program that officers that witness said deadly situation above must STOP & ARREST the offending worst cops to protect everyone once and for all.
Make every day terrific,
Jerry Atlansky Founder/Chairperson
United States Police/Oregon State Police-
Independent Citizens Review Board
Portland, Oregon 97213,
We answer all emails in hours.