Are New Vaccine Mandates Designed to Target the Poor?
since the measles outbreak in Disneyland, there has been a determined
effort by legislators in California, to repeal the state's current vaccine exemptions.
If they succeed, the only way parents can skip their children's
vaccinations, is if there is an acceptable medical reason. As you can
imagine, those who are deeply concerned over the safety and efficacy of
vaccines have every reason to fear these developments.
Or do they?
Well, yes and no. No in the sense that I don't think we are headed towards a future that forces everyone to take the jab, but the answer will likely be yes for folks who don't have a lot of disposable income. For reasons that I will explain below, you can bet your bottom dollar that there will always be a way to avoid vaccinations for you and your family. However, it's going to cost you.
For instance, take California's proposed vaccine law. It doesn't provide any harsh punishment for failing to vaccinate your children. All it says is that your child can't attend school without the required vaccines. It doesn't say anything about homeschooling. If you can afford to hire a personal tutor for your kids, or you make enough money to let your spouse stay home, then you can avoid this altogether.
I suspect this might become a new trend, and it won't be restricted to the United States. In Australia, the government recently stated that if any family refuses to vaccinate their children, they will be denied medical benefits to the tune of $11,400. For a low-income family that's a huge hit, but for the upper class that's just a drop in the bucket.
Mind you, they didn't say that their children will be taken by the state or their parents will be charged with child endangerment. It's just going to cost them to keep their kids vaccine free. If these Western governments truly believed that vaccines save lives and avoiding them was dangerous, wouldn't they be more willing imprison parents for putting their children's lives in danger? Their half-hearted attempts to stifle vaccine free families, says it all.
Granted, in the future there will be some heavy-handed attempts to hurt families that don't want to vaccinate. Earlier this year, the Washington Department of Social and Health Services threatened to take away a child because their parents didn't want to give her a flu vaccine. However, does anyone believe that social services would take away a child from a rich family, with connections and easy access to legal help?
Do you see what I'm getting at here? They will always leave loopholes for the benefit of the elites, but those loopholes will filter out anyone who doesn't have the cash. To some extent, this situation already exists in America. There are only two states that don't allow any personal belief or religious exemptions: Mississippi and West Virginia, i.e. two of the poorest states in America. Somehow I doubt that the financial and political elite spend a whole lot of time in those states.
On that note, there's plenty of evidence to suggest that the elites don't vaccinate their children at the same rate as the middle class. Jon Rappoport pointed out last month that in New Mexico, the Los Alamos school district has the highest rate of vaccine exemptions in the state. In all likelihood, these are the children of parents who work for the Los Alamos National Laboratory.
By now, some of you might be asking yourselves why they would do this? Why would the poor be forced into this while the rich get a pass? As I mentioned before, this is a growing trend that is international in scope, and the truth of the matter may lie beyond our borders. If this story from Kenya is any indication, then these laws have a truly nefarious purpose behind them.
me, it looks like these laws have all the trappings of a eugenics
agenda. Do you honestly still believe these vaccines are safe?
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Or do they?
Well, yes and no. No in the sense that I don't think we are headed towards a future that forces everyone to take the jab, but the answer will likely be yes for folks who don't have a lot of disposable income. For reasons that I will explain below, you can bet your bottom dollar that there will always be a way to avoid vaccinations for you and your family. However, it's going to cost you.
For instance, take California's proposed vaccine law. It doesn't provide any harsh punishment for failing to vaccinate your children. All it says is that your child can't attend school without the required vaccines. It doesn't say anything about homeschooling. If you can afford to hire a personal tutor for your kids, or you make enough money to let your spouse stay home, then you can avoid this altogether.
I suspect this might become a new trend, and it won't be restricted to the United States. In Australia, the government recently stated that if any family refuses to vaccinate their children, they will be denied medical benefits to the tune of $11,400. For a low-income family that's a huge hit, but for the upper class that's just a drop in the bucket.
Mind you, they didn't say that their children will be taken by the state or their parents will be charged with child endangerment. It's just going to cost them to keep their kids vaccine free. If these Western governments truly believed that vaccines save lives and avoiding them was dangerous, wouldn't they be more willing imprison parents for putting their children's lives in danger? Their half-hearted attempts to stifle vaccine free families, says it all.
Granted, in the future there will be some heavy-handed attempts to hurt families that don't want to vaccinate. Earlier this year, the Washington Department of Social and Health Services threatened to take away a child because their parents didn't want to give her a flu vaccine. However, does anyone believe that social services would take away a child from a rich family, with connections and easy access to legal help?
Do you see what I'm getting at here? They will always leave loopholes for the benefit of the elites, but those loopholes will filter out anyone who doesn't have the cash. To some extent, this situation already exists in America. There are only two states that don't allow any personal belief or religious exemptions: Mississippi and West Virginia, i.e. two of the poorest states in America. Somehow I doubt that the financial and political elite spend a whole lot of time in those states.
On that note, there's plenty of evidence to suggest that the elites don't vaccinate their children at the same rate as the middle class. Jon Rappoport pointed out last month that in New Mexico, the Los Alamos school district has the highest rate of vaccine exemptions in the state. In all likelihood, these are the children of parents who work for the Los Alamos National Laboratory.
2.3% of kids in Los Alamos public schools don’t get vaccinated. Their parents have received exemptions.
That’s the highest rate of non-vaccination in the state.
We’re talking about parents who work at the US Los Alamos Labs.
People with advanced degrees in science.
People who work for the federal government.
You would think the vaccine rate in that environment would stand at 100%, no questions asked.
What do these people know? Why are they opting out of vaccinations for their kids?
Those are hard questions to answer. Very hard.
Hmm, let’s think. For example, have they done some actual research on their own, and have they decided that vaccines are unsafe and ineffective?Let's not forget that in California, private schools have significantly higher rates of vaccine non-compliance than their public school counterparts. There appears to be a large segment of America's elite that doesn't want to vaccinate their children. Do they know something the rest of us don't? And given the power this class wields in our state, federal, and local governments, how much do you want to bet that before California passes this legislation, they will exempt private schools from the law?
By now, some of you might be asking yourselves why they would do this? Why would the poor be forced into this while the rich get a pass? As I mentioned before, this is a growing trend that is international in scope, and the truth of the matter may lie beyond our borders. If this story from Kenya is any indication, then these laws have a truly nefarious purpose behind them.
Independent laboratory testing has confirmed that a tetanus vaccine given to over 2.3 million young women in Kenya contained the HCG antigen.
HCG was developed by the WHO as a long-term contraceptive. It causes the body to attack a fetus through an antibody response, and can cause spontaneous abortions for 3 years after the woman is injected with the drug.
Dr. Muhame Ngare of Mercy Medical Centre in Nairobi said:
We sent six samples from around Kenya to laboratories in South Africa. They tested positive for the HCG antigen. They were all laced with HCG.
This proved right our worst fears; that this WHO campaign is not about eradicating neonatal tetanus but a well-coordinated forceful population control mass sterilization exercise using a proven fertility regulating vaccine. This evidence was presented to the Ministry of Health before the third round of immunization but was ignored. (source)
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